

    Sl No. Name of the Teacher Designation Role Nature of the duty
    1 Smt R Kavitha PGT- English Incharge To plan the basic format of Morning assembly
    programmes and circulate it to all concern well in
    To ensure that the morning assembly starts and ends
    on/in time and to see that students come well
    prepared and present programs effectively. To plan
    for talks on value education and guidance from
    To distribute the students into four Houses, plan the
    activities for entire year and to conduct competitions
    as per the plan and also make arrangement for
    celebration of days of national and international
    Maintenance of display boards
    To bring out Vidyalaya patrika as per the schedule of
    activities of KVS
    2 Miss Nigar Mirza PGT – Hindi Member
    3 Smt Pooja Nagarwal TGT-Hindi Member
    4 Sh T Srinivas PRT Music Member
    5 Sh A Venkanna TGT – Art Edu Member
    6 Smt Prachi Chouthmal TGT – English Member
    7 Smt Renu PRT Member
    8 Smt Ankita Singh PRT Member